Gak terasa udah di hari terakhir Oktober!
Langsung cepat-cepat tulis blog nih.
Tema kali ini fashion aja, yaitu OCTOBER HAUL 😍
*ntah bhs indonesianya apa?*
Pokoknya kali ini ada 6 barang belanjaan yg mau aku kasih tunjuk.
1. REVLON nail
Aku beli awal bulan pas ada diskon 15% di Semanggi.
@ Rp 42.500
2. Forever 21 pink gold necklace
Fyi, now i'm obssesed w pink/ rose gold color.
It's indeed a beautiful gold color that match for blue undertone person like me.
The problem is that in Indonesia, it's still rare to find accesories, jewellery, or watch in this color
😣 *i'm nearly desperate* #help
But, gladly I found it! 💓
3. Forever 21 blue liontin necklace
Shoko chan said that the shape just like a jackfruit but I still like it 😋
Plus the little silver leave make it really sweet combination.
Like it! Plus, I don't have any blue necklace, so it was good!
4. Fladeo red small bag
Love! Love! Love!
Bener-bener enggak sengaja pas
nemu tas ini @ Matahari, Psr Baru.
Begitu lihat lgsg seneng dgn warna &
modelnya yg simple
Manis bgt buat tas jalan & ak belum
Untungnya pas lagi big sale, jadi
cuma keluar duit 99rb (by CC).
5. Print flower trouser
Finally I have print trouser!!
Accidently found it when accompany mbak Hanna
shopping @ Ambasador.
Merknya ZARA -> palsu abis!! 😄😄😄
Tapi berhub. aku mengidamkan celana model ini
jadi beli aja!
Cukup sudah belanjanya... Masih dalam batas budget yg kusediakan 😊
Good shopping 😋😎
Gimana menurut kalian? Ok-ok kan?
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