Wednesday, February 6, 2013



that's when I knew outside is having a heavy rain.
Rain that make everyone in Jakarta area worry.. almost everyone.
and today it's happen again. Heavy rain, lightning, traffic jam, plus a fire in SCBD building (even it's don't have conncection with the heavy rain)...
really dark outside when I'm looked out at the window at 4 PM. It's feel like 7 PM indeed.


Me? Not really
But I do concerned whether my kos will be ok?
Even I'm positively sure it's ok =)

How with my colleaques? Are they worry?
Yes, some of them had news from their home, that they are having flood.
and yes, some other are ok. Everthing as usual.

...when it's time to go home, the traffic jam become more jammed!
I'm choose to play HAY DAY game for an hour as i'm hoping at that time it will be less jam, but i'm wrong!
Instead not less but more..

So, what should I do?
Take a bus is a bad choice!
Walking is a better option, so here you go.. i'm walking from Summitmas to kos with Junita for 45 minute.
Many people do the same thing as it is a wasting time to wait a bus & stuck in the jam. Walk is much faster.
Thanks GOD, my kos is near ^^ Poor them who have far home, my sympaty is with you all.

45 minute with mud..
wet street...
undiscipline and stupid bikers that insanely used sidewalk for their road (feel to punch them!)..
finally I'm arrived at kos =)

in the end it was a fun walking time.. fun chat..
no need to take the negative feeling, I just need feel the positive one
Plus, my room is 100% fine ^^

Do I hate it?
No, I don't =)

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